
We get no respect from the justice system. A Black life is worth far less than others to police and to the courts. But we can sure spend money to make ourselves feel good. Our hard earned dollars are a vastly disproportionate share of total consumer spending especially at Christmas time, and most especially on Black Friday and Thanksgiving weekend. We are profiled in department stores, but we still keep coming back for more. Our children are stopped, frisked and killed with impunity. Have we forgotten Trayvon Martin, and the thousands before him, and the thousands yet to come if we continue to do nothing? Let’s make this Black Friday a real Black Friday. Register your protest by withholding your money from the cash registers that fund the machine that is trampling us.

BLACK FRIDAY BOYCOTT: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 29, 30 and December 1

Rosa Parks and the Black citizens of Montgomery boycotted the buses for a year. They chose to walk with dignity rather than ride in shame. Can we not do the same? Resist the temptation to spend beyond our means for three short days. Every generation must discover its mission and then decide whether to fulfill or betray it. It is our turn now. SPREAD THE WORD

BLACK FRIDAY BOYCOTT: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 29, 30 and December 1

Have questions about the Black Friday Boycott? Contact Trayvon Martin Justice Committee

(by Arthur Lewin, )